mínar dömur og herrar ....

Thank you! I'm glad to see that everyone made it out tonight. I can't believe you found tickets. So a guy walks into a bar with a pig under his arm.....


Travel Tips -í boði Lonely Planet

Tips for Travelling Responsibly
Here are some tips on how you can make responsible travel choices. We've set them out so that you can easily print them off and tuck them in your travel kit.
Before You Leave Home
Is Your Holiday Green, Or Just Greenwash?
Culture Shock vs. Culture Connection
Minimise Your Impact On Fragile Places
Watching Wildlife

What is Responsible Travel?
Responsible travel is about minimising your impact and maximising your connection with people and the environment. It's about making a positive contribution and having the most rewarding and inspiring travel experiences of your life.
Responsible tourism can be more-or-less defined as travel that takes into consideration the 'triple bottom line' issues of:
Environment: travel that minimises negative environmental impacts and, where possible, makes positive contributions to the conservation of biodiversity, wilderness, natural and human heritage.
Social/Cultural: travel that respects culture and traditions and fosters authentic interaction and greater understanding between travellers and hosts.
Economic: travel that has financial benefits for the host community and operates on the principles of fair trade.
Travelling by the responsible travel ethos is one of the most direct and personal ways you can make a difference to some of the biggest issues affecting our world: poverty and peace. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem - and have the time of your life doing it.

Before You Leave Home:
Do as much research as you can - the more you know about a country and its people before you arrive, the quicker you get under the skin of a place.
Learn a few words of the local language and make sure you know what's considered polite and what's not in terms of eating, greeting and dressing.
Try to leave as much excess packaging at home (eg film boxes, anything plastic) - so your hosts don't have to deal with your garbage.
Consider your transport options: could you ride a bike rather than drive? Take a train rather than fly?
Look at off-setting your contribution to carbon emissions, so your travels are 'carbon neutral'.

Is Your Holiday Green - or Just Greenwash?
Tour operators, hotels and lodges that are genuine in their approach to responsible tourism will generally have a written policy covering their environmental impact, employment and cultural policy. If they don't, ask them why - by their response, you'll be able to make the judgement call.
Ask some specifics about how they implement their policy:
How are they dealing with the main environmental issues facing them?
Do they employ local guides, leaders and staff and provide training opportunities?
Do they limit the size of their groups to minimise environmental and social impact?
Do they have a 'green' purchasing policy?
Do they work with the local community? If so, what proportion of their revenue is redirected to that community?
What information do they offer their clients on responsible travel?
In the immortal words of Kermit the Frog, it's not [always] easy being green. But if an operator is getting it right, they'll be proud of it and will be happy to answer your questions.

Culture Shock vs Cultural Connection
One of the best things about travelling is making connections with people from different cultures, in an authentic and mutually enjoyable way.
'Cultural sensitivity' is simply a matter of respect: take your behavioural cues from the locals and, if in doubt, try to see things from the locals' point of view.
Go with the flow. Other cultures have very different concepts of time, personal space and socially acceptable behaviour. You'll find it a lot less stressful - and a lot more enlightening - if you just chill out. You might even reassess your own ideas.
Dress appropriately. Looking at the locals is a good way to gauge what to wear. Particularly in conservative cultures, don't flaunt your flesh and try to be neat and clean - it's only respectful.
Try to be conservative with resources such as water, food and energy - you may be depriving local people or making a negative impact on their environs.
Buying locally made crafts and curios means your money goes directly to the community.
Enjoy the ancient art of bargaining: part pas-de-deux, part drama, part chess-game, bargaining is a skill and an art form. It's as much about the social interaction as the final outcome. Make sure you know when bargaining is appropriate - and when it's not. Have fun with it and keep things in perspective - does haggling over that last dollar really make a difference to you, compared to the vendor?
It's when you make those cross-cultural connections - even though initially you may have thought you had nothing in common - that it hits you again: people are the same wherever they're from; we all have the same needs and desires, aspirations and affections. Revelling in that realisation is the holy grail of travelling.

Wilderness Wanderings: How to minimise your impact on fragile places
No matter what you do, your mere presence will make some impact on any given environment, so keep that impact short term and minimal. These tips apply to remote wilderness as well as your own backyard.
Keep erosion to a minimum: don't be tempted to create a new track or take a shortcut. Stay on the existing trail where possible even if it's muddy or there's room to walk alongside
While you're admiring the view, try to keep one eye on your feet! Particularly at high altitudes and latitudes, native flora can be very slow-growing. It can take years to regenerate after being crushed by your muddy boots.
Take your rubbish home with you if it can't be properly disposed of along the way.
Take a strong water bottle and boil or purify your drinking water, rather than buying bottled water: the scourge of the 21st century is shaping up to be discarded plastic water bottles...
Toilet Hygiene
Tent pegs make good shovels: if you get caught short on the trekking trail, dig a hole at least 15cm deep (or 30cm in hot areas), on the lower side of the trail, preferably at least 100 metres from it.
Take a cigarette lighter and burn your toilet paper. If there is a risk of fire, or the ground is too hard or stony to dig a hole, use leaf litter or rocks to cover.
Make sure you're at least 100 metres away from any watercourse.
Washing and water pollution
If bathing or swimming, consider the sensibilities of local people - both regarding what you wear and the fact that you're using 'their' water. Bathe downstream from water collection points or villages and avoid using soaps (particularly ones containing phosphates) in fresh waterways.

Wildlife watching
Be aware of suggested or legal approach distances and other recommendations for observing wildlife. A basic rule of thumb is if the animal is altering its behaviour due to your presence, then you're too close. The best wildlife watching is when you get to see the animals' natural, often quirky, behaviour. Invest in a long camera lens and binoculars.
Don't be tempted to buy souvenirs made from wild animal products, including skins, ivory or bone. Not only is it illegal to import or export them in most cases, you're likely to be supporting poaching practices that have had devastating impacts on animal populations. Similar principles apply to wooden products: check you're not purchasing a chunk of old-growth rainforest.
Responsible tourism is not the full or only answer to the future sustainability of tourism. But unless we shift our attitudes to tourism and travel we'll lose the wild places, the traditions and the eccentricities of the world. Life will be far more homogenised and far less surprising, and our spirit will be the poorer for it.
We hope to give you the tools and the inspiration you need to try a new way of travelling. We hope our on-line information, our guide books and Code Green: Experiences of a Lifetime, our book dedicated to responsible tourism, will reveal a way of travelling that will challenge your perceptions; shake you out of your comfort zone; enthral you and enrich your soul. Not only will you make a contribution to other people's lives, you might just change your own.
Now get out there and be great.


Það er svo spes á þessu kandidatsári að vera alltaf að skipta um vinnustað. Kannski er það ennþá skrítnara að vera ekki að byrja í skólanum. Ég er bara að halda áfram að vinna. Haustið eins og sumarið. Engin klár skil. Bara þessi mánaðarlega prufa á því hversu mörg ný nöfn er hægt að læra á sem stystum tíma (aka byrja á nýrri deild). Var að klára síðustu vaktina mína á deildinni minni núna og er að fara í 4 daga helgarfrí (já ég er ekkert að grínast) og byrja svo að vinna á nýjum stað... ekki í skólanum. Finnst þetta bara alveg fáránlega skrítið að vera ekki að byrja í skólanum. Meira að segja þegar ég sat á trukknum í safarí síðasta vor datt sú fluga í hausinn á mér að læra frönsku og svei mér þá ef ég setjist ekki bara aftur á skólabekkinn þetta haustið og láti verða af því að byrja að lesa frönsku í haust. Eða spænsku... eða pólsku... eða ...
Ps. er einhver sem þekkir hvar þessi mynd er tekin? (verðlaun í boði)



Fyrstu kynni geta verið snúin. Stundum getur maður fengið að vita aðeins of mikið.
Það er til síða á netinu Overheardinnewyork.com þar sem fólk sendir inn samtöl sem það hefur óvart heyrt...

More Demand for That Than You Might Think
Woman: So, what do you do?
Man: Well, I meet new people in new environments... and I kill them.

--Italian restaurant, Bleecker St
Overheard by: Spencer



Ég tók mig til og hélt smá matarboð. Búin að bjóða nokkrum vinum og finna uppskrift hjá Jamie Oliver. Leist vel á eina þar sem stóð að rétturinn væri kjörinn fyrir veislur því hann mætti í raun bæði vera of og vansoðinn en væri samt góður. Það stóð samt hvergi að hann væri bestur glóðarsteiktur en ég ákvað að vera með smá nýjungar í matargerðinni og bauð upp á eldsteiktan lax í eldhúsinu mínu og var bara nokkuð stolt af tilbrigðunum...
Matreiðslan endaði sem sagt á því að ég glæddi réttinn öðru bragði og heitara...
og ég þakka kærlega snöggum viðbrögðum gestanna að maturinn ekki hafi orðið ennþá meira spennandi.


Að vera símalaus

Það er ótrúlegt hvað maður er allslaus án gemsans. Ég áttaði mig á því þegar ég kom heim að austan að ég hafði sett símann í hleðslu og svo gleymt að taka hann með. Mundi þarnæst að heimilissíminn minn væri bilaður þannig ég gæti ekki einu sinni hringt og látið vekja mig í fyrramálið og á náttúrulega enga vekjaraklukku nema þá sem er í símanum. Var orðin ansi ráðþrota þegar ég náði ró aftur því ég mundi eftir sænska símanum mínum ofaní skúffu. Sjúkkit.

Á leiðinni

Spurningin er hvort markmiðið sé ekki alltaf að vera á leiðinni eitthvað og sjálf ferðin í raun sigurinn.


Nýr Audi TT

Var að selja litla yarisinn minn og það var mjög skrítið að skilja hann eftir hjá sölumanninum, leið svona nánast eins og ég væri að yfirgefa hann... (ps. þetta er bíll).

Anyways... skellti mér á silfraðan Audi og eins og frændi minn benti mér réttilega á þá væri þetta Audi TT ... eða það segir alla vegana bílnúmmerið.

Oki þetta er brandari fyrir þá sem eru búnir að liggja yfir bílaauglýsingum í nokkurn tíma... það er víst hægt að verða fagidiot á mörgum sviðum :)